FCC Fast-Lane Bill Tweaks Lambasted By Net-Neutrality Supporters
The chief of the FCC has received massive amounts of web-based backlash on account of a new "fast-lane" internet bill he's proposed this year. It's set to go up for a vote this month, and just this week he's introduced a number of tweaks to – he hopes – satisfy the nay-sayers. It's not going as well as he'd hoped, net-neutrality supporters making their case clear across the web.
Earlier today you'll find an article called FCC chief does damage control on net neutrality bill. These changes are said to prevent Internet providers from segregating web traffic "into fast and slow lanes."
The idea of this bill is to allow internet providers to charge content providers for more reliable delivery of said content. According to the Wall Street Journal's sources, the new language in this bill "is still sticking to the same approach," but will have the FCC able to "scrutinize deals" to make certain that web providers "don't unfairly put non-paying companies' content at a disadvantage."
Without specifically stating so, this bill still allows companies to pay internet providers to give their content a heads-up. It allows content providers to pay internet providers to give them a speed advantage over their competitors.
Speaking with USA Today, Delara Derakhshani, policy counsel for Consumers Union, suggests that "the reported changes don't fix the basic problems." She goes on to suggest that "we're still looking at the very real possibility of a 'pay-to-play' market."
Paid prioritization is still a very real possibility with this bill. This bill is similar to a bill – also called "Open Internet" – put up for vote earlier this year that was struck down for similar reasons.
VIA: Wall Street Journal