Facebook's Privacy Checkup ensures you know your settings
If you've posted anything on Facebook recently, you might have been met with a new box called "Privacy Checkup". This is a new tool that helps ensure the social network's users understand their settings and who gets to see posts and apps.
The first step concerns who sees a status when it is posted — users are encouraged to review their current setting and to change it if desired. Someone posting publicly, for example, will be told their "current setting is Public". A small graphic will demonstrate how to change that.
Users can then "Learn More" or skip to the next step, where they'll be able to review their apps and get rid of any old ones they don't want, or alter who gets to see what — some apps can be set to "Friends" and others to "Public", for example.
The final step lets users adjust their profile's settings, if desired. The entire Privacy Checkup tool takes about a minute or so to go through, and can be closed if you're not interested (it can also be opened at any time in the Privacy Shortcuts menu).
SOURCE: Facebook