Eye-Fi Direct Mode Enabled: Squirt Shots To Your Smartphone

Eye-Fi's Direct Mode has gone live, offering users of the company's WiFi-enabled X2 memory cards the ability to push images direct to the iOS and Android apps. Announced back in January, rather than push images to Eye-Fi's servers first, and then pull them down to a local device, Direct Mode works the other way around and allows you to choose which files get uploaded.


That saves time and makes for easier control over pictures, handy if you're the sort of person who takes plenty of shots straight away and then wants to choose the best of them. To do it, the Eye-Fi card can create its own "soft Access Point" to which the app connects to; alternatively, if both card and gadget are on the same wireless network, it will use that instead.

You'll need an Android device running 2.1 Eclair or higher, or an iOS device running 4.0 or higher, in order to use the system. There's more on Direct Mode in Eye-Fi's FAQ on the topic.

