Evo "Smart Console" Is Linux-Based; Now Available For Pre-Order

It's not that often that we hear about a new video gaming console, especially in a world with the Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii. But a new console is on the way from Envizions Computer Entertainment.  

They're a fairly new company and have just placed their first console, the Evo "Smart Console" up for pre-order. What's interesting here is that the console itself pretty much amounts to a Linux-based computer. It's not all that special, and uses parts you could probably go out and buy yourself.


Specs include an overclocked Athlon 64x2 5600 processor and an ATI Radeon 3200 graphics card. Envizions has big ideas about the console being used as a development platform with a "cloud" computing system. This would mean developers would have to make games specifically for the Evo "Smart Console." How likely that is to happen is hard to say, but it would certainly draw current Linux game developers. The new console is expected to ship on November 20th for about $600, though you can pre-order one now with a $100 deposit.

[via TheGadgetSite]

