eBay And PayPal See Big Jump In Mobile Payments This Thanksgiving

Betwix watching football, eating turkey, and enjoying the holiday festivities, shoppers used their mobile devices to pay for a large amount of their online shopping sprees. Both eBay and PayPal saw a massive jump in mobile payments this Thanksgiving holiday. The figures are compared to the payment numbers from Thanksgiving 2011.


EBay saw a 133-percent increase in mobile payments over their 2011 figures. PayPal saw a bigger jump, with a 173-percent increase over last year's figure. The most active time period for mobile payments was between noon and 1pm Pacific time (3pm and 4pm Eastern time). This is in line with the spike in mobile usage that has happened over the last couple years.

For PayPal, the cities that clocked the most mobile payments includes Houston, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, and New York, in order by quantity. Mobile payments from Thanksgiving 2010 to 2011 increased 511-percent. If the numbers are any indication, shoppers are embracing the convenience of shopping from the comfort of their home.

This time span lines up with when Instagram traffic reached its peek today. The photo-filter app experienced its biggest day ever today, with in excess of 10 million photos being shared over a 24-hour period. At the height of its traffic, 226 Thanksgiving images were shared per second. This trumped the 800,000 shared during Hurricane Sandy.


[via Venture Beat]

