E3 2021 schedule live stream start times: Bethesda, Capcom, Nintendo

After taking 2020 off because of the COVID-19 pandemic, E3 is returning this year. While Sony and Microsoft don't have any big consoles to detail this time around – Sony, for its part, is sitting E3 2021 out entirely – it should still be a big show as we move deeper into the new console generation. Today, E3's organizers announced the full broadcast schedule for E3 2021, and it looks like it's going to be a pretty packed show.

The event kicks off on Saturday, June 12th, with a rather quiet day in comparison to all of the rest. We'll see the Ubisoft Forward event kick off at 12 PM PDT/3 PM EDT, which will be followed by Gearbox's E3 Showcase at 2 PM PDT/5 PM EDT.

On Sunday, things really start to pick up steam with what is arguably the biggest show of the entire event: the Xbox and Bethesda Game Showcase. That will be happening at 10 AM PDT/1 PM PDT, and it'll be followed by Square Enix Presents at 12:15 PM PDT/3:15 PM EDT. Later that day, we'll have the PC Gaming Show and the Future Gaming Show to look forward to as well.

On Monday, June 14th, we'll see presentations from a wide variety of companies, including Verizon, Intellivision, Razer, Capcom, and Take-Two. In terms of the sheer number of events, Monday is the biggest day for E3, but many of the events that day are slated to last under an hour while big shows like Ubisoft Forward, Square Enix Presents, and the Xbox and Bethesda Showcase are slated to run closer to two hours.

Finally, on Tuesday, June 15th, Nintendo will close things out with its usual Direct and Treehouse: Live event, which will take up most of the day. It'll be followed by Bandai Namco's presentation, GameSpot's Play For All Showcase, and the Official E3 2021 Awards Show.

Keep in mind that not every event is listed here. Devolver Digital's showcase, for instance, isn't on the official E3 schedule, but there's probably good reason for that as it's more adult-oriented than every other showcase. We also have the Summer Game Fest Kickoff Live event to look forward to this Thursday, well before any of the official E3 conferences go live. E3 also says that there will be interviews and panels that aren't listed here too, so there will be plenty more happening that isn't listed on the schedule you see above.