Duck Tape offers duct tape sheets perfect for DIY geeks

There are a lot of geeks out there that are duct tape engineers. There are few things that you can't fix with liberal amounts of duct tape and a bit of ingenuity. Not too long ago we saw a hack for disposable cameras that turned them into a 3D camera using duct tape. The Duck Tape brand has some new sheets of duct tape that are perfect for the DIY geeks out there.


If you want to make your own duct tape wallet or duct tape iPhone case you can do it. If you want a robot held together with silicone adhesive and duct take you can do that too. The possibilities are endless.

The sheets are 8.25" x 10" and are adhesive on the back. They come in a lot of different colors and designs too. The sheets have a backing that prevents them from sticking to things while you cut out the shape you need and get ready to apply. You can get the sheets in neon colors and prints. A six-pack of sheets in multiple colors sells for $9.99 with individual sheets at $1.99 each.

[via Duck Brand]

