Domains By Proxy Forks Over Site Owner Personal Details To MPA
There are many reasons that people who own websites might not want their own personal information associated with the domain of their website. There are options for people concerned about linking personal details with a website and one of those is a privacy service like Domains by Proxy. this type of service uses generic, non-identifiable information keeping personal details like the owners name and email private.
However, as one site owner found out his personal details weren't much safer after signing up with Domains by Proxy. Recently the Motion Picture Association (MPA) asked Domains By Proxy to hand over personal information on the owner of a linking site.
Rather than leaving the owner of the site anonymous as the service promises, the company forked over the details. The linking site in questing allegedly linked to pirated Hollywood movies. Domains by Proxy is a service that is owned by GoDaddy founder, Bob Parsons.
Details on the site owner were allegedly handed over to the MPA without the MPA providing a subpoena or any other legally compelling paperwork. Domains by Proxy simply sent the site owner an email telling him that it had received a complaint along with evidence showing a potential copyright issue and had disclosed his identity so the complainant can talk to him directly. In this case, the complainant was the MPA.
SOURCE: TorrentFreak