DIY wooden 5230 B front shovel makes me go hmmm

On one hand I look at this wooden 5230 front shovel and think dude, whoa, that is awesome. On the other I look at this wooden front shovel and think, dude WTF, it's a wooden front shovel. I can't say that I would sit down with plans to come up with a wooden build project with the most tedious and awesome details I have ever seen and decide to make the project a replica of something like a piece of earth moving gear.


If this were something like a wooden model of a Ferrari or something really cool, I would be more impressed. The subject may be odd, but you have to stand back and look at the details of this wooden replica and marvel at the craftsmanship and time it took to build. The creation was made by jwoodchick at It's up for sale on Etsy right now, but you had better be loaded and really, really into front shovels to even think of buying this at $39,500.

The model is made from 4,000 individual parts that were each handmade. There is a total of 3,000 hours of work in the project over about a year and a half. The most awesome thing about this detailed construct is that it is a working model. That means all the tracks move, the pistons work and the jaws open and close. I would totally buy this and head to the closest beach if I was rich.


[via Etsy]

