DIY Paper Monster Truck constructed, destroyed for They Might Be Giants tour

There's nothing better than a gigantic pink monster truck / hearse hybrid made out of cardboard and paper to get your rock and roll concert tour underway, and They Might Be Giants have done us one better: they've taught us how to make our own! We love gadgets, and they've got a gigantic person-sized cardboard and paper boombox to fix us up there as well! This is basically the greatest combination of oddities to happen here in the tech, music, and fun world all day long!


All you've got to get is a bit of paper, some scissors, and maybe a bit of glue and you'll be well on your way to creating the same awesome structure everyone in the hipster world's favorite band of all time They Might Be Giants are pushing in this video! They've got a concert coming up, and their monster truck is telling you to get interested in it! Along for the ride as well is none other than Jonathan Coulton, famous for his ballads "the First of May" and "Still Alive" from the end of the Portal video game series (notably the first one.)

Now if you're interested in creating this fine piece of automotive awesomeness, you can either make it full sized at over 12 feet tall, or you can choose to make the wimpy version at just a little closer to 4-inches. If you're the kind of person who doesn't have a lot of parking space, we suggest going for the smaller model. ALSO if you're interested in going to the tour of these fine fellows, you'll want to know that it all begins on the 27th of January in Santa Cruz. You can find the rest of the dates down below the video complete with links on TMBG's YouTube. Get in on it!


