Dell Streak 7 discontinued

Dell has been trying its hand in the Android tablet market and so far has only been able to make a slight rustle in the category. The company launched an Android tablet with a 5-inch screen called the Streak 5 and it also has the Streak 7 with a larger 7-inch screen. The Streak 5 was discontinued in August of this year. Dell has now quietly discontinued the Streak 7 as well.


Dell didn't offer an official statement on the tablet being discontinued or anything seemingly official to fans of the tablet. It apparently simply removed the listings from its website and left the former Streak 7 page with a note saying that the Streak 7 was no longer available online.

With online being spelled out, it would seem whatever inventory is left will only be available in some stores, but even that isn't specified. The Streak 7 had a very short life only hitting the market in January 2011. T-Mobile has a 4G version of the tablet, I'd bet that version is pretty much the only one left to find if you want one.

[via StreakSmart]

