Creative Vado HD Gets Upgraded With Memory, Mac Support, and New Colors

Creative's Vado HD has been out for quite some time now, and it looks like they're finally getting around to giving the small HD video camera some extra attention. Especially in the looks department. We're sure it has something to do with the fact that the competition's prices are dropping, and obviously this just goes to show you that a little competition never hurt anybody. Especially our wallets.


The most obvious of alterations is the color schemes Creative has put on the new Vado HDs. We've got a white and lime green model, and a black and red model. On the inside, two things have improved. One, a set standard of 4GB of memory at a lower cost. And the other, an application that will now allow support for Apple computers. The app is called Vado Central, and will give the current, as well as previous model, Vado HD the ability to move movies to and from iMovie.

Otherwise, nothing much else has changed. The Vado HD still shoots at 720p, has a fixed optical zoom at 2x, and has a proprietary USB connector to plug into the computer. Movies are recorded at the H.264 codec and give the 4GB model about an hour of shooting time. Pre-orders are lined up to start any time today, at either and Creative's site. Price wise, the white model will be going for $180, while the black model will be $20 more, at $200. Vado Central should be ready to download within the next few days as well.


[via Electronista]

