Crafty Gaming Scarves
You have to love all the unique gamer fashion that pops up from time to time. I have said several times that Etsy is a great place to find great gamer and geek fashion. This time there is the 1UP scarf as well as the Pac Man Ghost Scarf both from the seller UrbanPrincess.
At the time I was flipping through her products I happened to be sipping on a Mt. Dew and about had it come out my nose when I saw the price. Both of the one of a kind scarves are being sold for a whopping $150 a piece.
Personally, I would sweet talk someone with a bit of a crafty touch to make if for me. I might even fork out about $50 to get them to do it. However, $150 just seems like a bit much.
Grandma DIY: Super Mario 1-UP Scarf [via geekologie]