Coway Megasonic SWV-08AM Dish Cleaner Looks Fashionable

I am not entirely sure how this thing works, but apparently the gist of it is soap-less dish washing. Somehow it uses sonic waves of water to remove even the deepest particles of dirt without the slightest amount of soap necessary.


Word is the little record player thing, which is coincidentally what I thought this was at first glance, shoots water out and an alarming rate, a sonic rate if you will, and cleans stuff. I have no idea how well this little bugger actually works, but I do know, that as far as dish washers go, this is by far one of the best looking ones I've seen that wasn't human.

The only downside I could see is that depending on the number of dishes you are doing at a time, this could be a real water waster, and the other is that if it sprays water hard enough to clean dishes without soap, it could probably quite easily hurt someone. Lastly, most machines I know of capable at pushing water out at rates fast enough to clean things are really loud, and that's highly unattractive.


[via ShinyShiny]

