Circadia wetware makes record as first independently developed and implanted biosensor

Wetware takes aim at a specific type of technology — the kind that alters our physical bodies in such a way to bring an improvement. Though often found in small groups and private initiatives, the movement has picked up pace over the years as technology increases and the cost of hardware decreases. Grindhouse Wetware is one such group that has worked on various projects for years, and as of today has become the first independent DIY-centric collective to successfully develop and implant a biosensor.


The biosensor is called Circadia, which you can see in the image above. Though not terribly large, it isn't the smallest device when one considers it is meant to be implanted under the skin. Such an initiative took place in Germany today at a notorious body-modification conference, where the biosensor was shown off and detailed.

Tim Cannon, one of Grindhouse Wetware's founders, will have the Circadia biosensor implanted beneath the skin in his forearm, where it will rest above the muscle and record data on body temperature and sync it with his smartphone using Bluetooth. From this phone, Cannon can also control three LED lights on the sensor that will be visible through his skin whenever he chooses to have them on, giving a man-and-machine look.


The biosensor doesn't come without its risks — the battery, for example, poses a fairly large risk to Cannon, who could die if the battery leaks and enters his bloodstream. Likewise, a battery explosion or other issue could lead to serious damage to his arm, possibly requiring amputation. Such is a risk he is willing to take, however, and one day it is hoped others will develop the biosensor into other medical-centric devices, such as blood glucose monitors.

SOURCE: AlJazeera America

