Cingular 8525 Launched
Like water-jigging silk-shirt-wearing Dance-Lord Michael Flatley, the Cingular 8525 finally breaks cover and sashays into the marketplace. With the grace that only a fairly chubby Windows Mobile 5.0 smartphone with slide-out keyboard and 3G HSDPA wireless data connectivity can possess, it twirls and preens, offering itself to our greedy eyes for a mere $399 and the promise of a two year contract.
The mobile-mavins over at LAPTOP Magazine have already coaxed the 8525 into performing for them, praising its range of data connectivity options, 2 megapixel camera and software package, scolding its unevenly lit keyboard and whispering of the push-to-talk upgrade coming in 2007.
Cingular Press Release & LAPTOP Magazine 8525 review [via Engadget]