Chromecast support heading to VLC
Amidst recent news that Chromecast's support has extended to RedBox among other services, a tidbit of information appeared on the forums for media player VLC late last month letting users know it will soon join the list. When isn't known, but support for all desktop platforms and iOS is in the pipeline.
VLC is a free media player that supports a variety of audio and video formats across many platforms. On the software's iOS forum board late last month, a request for when Chromecast compatibility would be available for iOS users was made.
That prompted a response of "We are working on it! :)", which was followed up with another update that it won't be arriving only for iOS — they're also working on it for Windows, Linux, and Mac, but that it'll take a little longer because of the difficulty involved.
Once support is added, users will be able to use a plugin for using VLC for sending videos to Chromecast. The question remains when the functionality will arrive, with no time frame or estimated launch date having been provided.