Chrome, Feedly, iMovie, Vivint Sky Get iOS 9 Updates

iOS 9 has not only brought a lot of features to Apple's platform itself, it has also opened up iPhones and most especially iPads to a whole set of functionality coming from third party apps. Of course, adoption of those features didn't happen overnight, with updates happpening mostly in waves. This week, we're seeing a couple of new ones spread across different types of app, from Apple's own iMovie, to the Google Chrome browser, to Feedly news reader, and even Vivint Sky smart home control.


The iPhone 6s and 6s Plus finally got a camera that natively supported recording video in 4K resolution. While that in itself is already a great thing, it would probably be better if you could do more with the videos they produced. Last week, Apple rolled out an update to iMovie on the Mac to support 4K video editing and not it is the iOS app's turn to get the same treatment. To be precise, 4K support is only available for the iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPad Air 2, and the iPad Pro.

While Google's Chrome is largely viewed as a rival and maybe even subpar browser on iOS, that isn't going to stop the search giant from giving Apple fans their own brand of "best browsing experience". On iOS 9, that means supporting the platform's new Split View multitasking. Of course, that feature is only available on iPads, particularly the iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 4.


But do not be sad, ye iPhone owners. the Chrome update also has something in store for you as well. Google is bringing its Chrome Autofill feature from the desktop to mobile, which includes Android in this context, too. Now you won't have to re-enter your details again and again.

The popular news reader Feedly has also gone on an iOS 9 update spree. While it makes no mention of supporting Split View for iPads, the new Feedly does now integrate the Safari viewer so that viewing full articles feels and behaves like viewing them directly inside Safari. The new Feedly takes full advantage of 3D Touch on the home screen. Using force touch, you can jump directly to your desired section of articles, saving you time as well as a few CPU clock cycles.

Last but not the least, Vivint has released an update for its Vivint Sky app for iOS. This app allows owners of Vivint Smart Home products to remotely control them from anywhere in the world. The update not only brings in iOS 9 support but also neat features like viewing recorded clips. Vivint promises that Apple Watch support will be coming soon to give you an even more futuristic feel to controlling and monitoring your smart home.

