Chloe Dao Designs A Handbag Around Mobile Technology
I have a purse, or at least I call it one, in all honesty it's technically a tote bag. I have upgraded to that due to the overabundance of gadgets that I have the tendency to carry around. Many women have the same dilemma, Choe Dao has created a technology handbag just for that reason.
Whether or not bright red lips on the front is your style, having a purse that is custom made around your gadgets would be nice for a change. Not only does it list areas for the common gadgets like cellphones and MP3 players but even for the Nintendo DS and the PSP.
It also has an area for cables and all those other cords that are more difficult to find a spot for. The bag is polyester with faux leather trim and soft poly-cotton velvet lining. It is being sold for a very affordable $24.95.
[via chipchick]