Canon acquires Lifecake, a photos app for parents

Canon is among the camera companies feeling the squeeze from the proliferation of smartphone cameras, and so perhaps that is one of the reasons behind its new acquisition of Lifecake, the company behind the photo-sharing app for parents by the same name. This move will give Canon another sliver of the mobile pie, and is designed specifically for parents who want to chronicle their kids' lives and share what they record/photograph with other family and friends.


Lifecake is an app that allows parents to take pictures of their children and record videos of them, then share them with others in the family who want to see them. This is done in timelines that'll be familiar to just about any social network user. those who have access to the content can leave comments.

Said Canon Europe's Director of Digital Services Alberto Spinelli, "This acquisition fits perfectly with our vision to give everyone taking photos the tools to bring their stories and experiences to life – and engage with them whenever and wherever they choose." It isn't clear how much Canon paid for the company.

The Lifecake app was updated late last week, and is still available now on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. The update brings with it more languages, namely Italian, German, Spanish, and French in addition to the already-available English.


SOURCE: Lifecake

