Canadian Government Websites Hit With Cyberattack

Following disclosure of a massive breach of government data in the United States (and a second breach), word has surfaced that the Canadian government has undergone its own cyberattack. The attack targeted Canadian government websites and email systems, having been a denial of service attack against the nation's server. The cyberattack was confirmed by Treasury Board President Tony Clement, and it affected several agencies in the nation's government, including the websites of its Transport, Justice, Foreign Affairs, Industry, Employment, and Labor departments.


The attack is not as severe as the breach that happened in the US, but highlighted continuing problems that governments and private businesses alike have experienced in our web-based world. Several of the government websites couldn't be used during the attack, as well as email systems tied to them.

The attack apparently lasted for several hours, but has reached its end. The websites all appear to be functioning correctly again. In a YouTube video, a group under the "Anonymous" moniker have taken credit for the attack.

According to those that posted the video, the attack is said to be "in protest against the recent passing of bill C-51. A bill which is a clear violation of the universal declaration of human rights, as well as removing our legal protections that have stood, enshrined in the magna carta for 800 years." It goes on to read in part:


Perhaps it was fate that the day the magna carta arrived in our country to go on display for the populous was the same day our corrupt government was symbolically p*ssing upon it, and us all. Bill C-51 targets minority groups and dissidents alike, both being strong parts of a healthy democracy ... Today, Anons around the world took a stand for your rights. Today, Anons around the world risked their freedom for you. We now ask that you follow suit. Stand for your rights, take to the streets in protest this 20th of June 2015...

SOURCE: The Globe and Mail

