Buffalo Technology Announces Web Access Feature For LinkStation Live NAS
I do my fair share of traveling, and one of the worst parts about it is leaving all of my data at home. Yes, I could carry around external hard drives, but that's a pain. I usually keep a lot of files that I might need on my laptop, but it never fails, there's always something sitting on my NAS at home that I need.
Now Buffalo has introduced it's new Web Access feature for their LinkStation Live NAS devices. This allows you to connect to your NAS from anywhere in the world over the internet. The entire process is set up using a basic web browser interface, so it's a piece of cake to set up. You can even allow other users access to your data with little effort.
If you currently have one of their LinkStation Live NAS devices, a simple firmware download will enable this feature for you. If you have one of their other NAS devices, don't worry, they plan on supporting the rest of their NAS line.
You can purchase a LinkStation Live for around $229 for a 250GB up to $649 for a 750GB.
[via press release]