BlackBerry Z10 parts surface, 4.3-inch display in the mix

RIM's upcoming BlackBerry 10 devices are becoming less and less of a mystery as they get closer and closer to the January 30 release date. This time around, a slew of parts from the BlackBerry Z10 handset have surfaced, including the LCD, touchscreen digitizer, and housings, all of which point to a 4.3-inch display.ETrade Supply ended up getting their hands on a couple of parts, and even released a nice video for us to enjoy. Other than the 4.3-inch display, there looks to be a microSD card slot, but the SIM slot is the biggest surprise. The position of the slot varies depending on the part, which could mean that there were several design tweaks along the way.


Other than that, we're looking at an HDMI-out port, and the whole device will be about 3/8-inch (10mm) thick. Of course, we've already seen leaked photos of the new phone in its entirety, so seeing the parts individually probably won't mean anything to a lot of people, but they do confirm a couple of specs that we've been curious about.

Either way, we'll have to wait patiently until January 30 to find out exactly what the Z10 will look like, and hopefully we'll know what the deal is with the SIM slot. Of course, we'll be there for the big BlackBerry 10 launch, so be sure to stick around if you're curious to see what RIM has in store at the end of the month.

[via N4BB]

