BioWare delays Anthem features as it works on fixes

BioWare's Anthem has been something of a controversial title ever since it released a little more than two months ago. Players have lodged a lot of complaints about the game in the 10 weeks since launch, from bug issues to the way loot works to problems with the overall game flow. BioWare has taken notice of those complaints, and has now said that much of its work on Anthem will shift toward fixing these problems.

Unfortunately, that means much of BioWare's Act 1 roadmap has been delayed. BioWare revealed this in a long post to the Anthem subreddit, in which is says that it has "learned a lot since the game went live." Though the company recognizes that it's been quiet about what's going on behind the scenes, it has stepped back out into the public eye to give us all an update on the state of the game.

In that post to the Anthem subreddit, BioWare briefly covers the content and fixes that shipped with the game's 1.1.0 update yesterday, before admitting outright that it won't be hitting all of its goals on the Act 1 calendar. "We have been prioritizing things like bug fixes, stability and game flow over the new features of Act 1," BioWare wrote. "We set aside time for this work, but the reality is there are more things to fix and improve than we planned for. While this is the best thing to do for the game, it means some items from the calendar will be delayed."

Specifically, the list of roadmap features that have now been delayed is rather long. Features that won't land on time include the mastery system, guilds, phase 2 of legendary missions, weekly Stronghold challenges, leaderboards, "some freeplay events," and perhaps most importantly, the Cataclysm. BioWare says that it will share more information on the launch of these features when it's able, but doesn't give a timeline for when that might happen.

Concerning the Cataclysm specifically, BioWare says it's still a "big focus" for the team, and that we'll learn more about it at some point in May. Sadly, though the shortcomings of the loot system seems to be on the minds of a lot of players at the moment, the only thing BioWare said is that it has heard to complaints and agrees that the loot and progression systems need to be improved. No other details are available on those yet, but we'll hear more when the company has something additional to say.

So, at the end of it all, we're left wondering how quickly BioWare can push out these fixes and get back to its content plans. We'll see what happens from here, but for the moment, it seems that BioWare will turn most of its focus toward fixing the core game before its attention returns to new content. What do you think of this updated roadmap? Head down to the comments section and let us know!