Beme aims to beat Facebook by destroying Selfies

A social network by the name of Beme (say it like "beam") has been introduced this week by a fellow named Casey Neistat. This network destroys the Selfie, and it destroys the self-conscious madness that infects every other social network. It does this by using your smartphone's proximity sensor as a capture button for your camera. "Being able to capture without having to stare is one of the most liberating interactions I've done since getting this device," says Neistat. We're inclined to believe him.


If what Neistat shows in his first demonstration works the way he shows it working, we're sold. Have a peek at Beme straight from Neistat here – if what Neistat shows in his first demonstration works the way he shows it working, we're sold. For some people. It's not going to be easy getting used to sharing our lives with one another without being able to curate. That'll take some time.

The app will launch on the iPhone first, then eventually (we're going to go ahead and assume) it'll also launch on other platforms, like Android.

The first version of Beme is available from the iTunes app store right now through this link. But Neistat gives a warning: "this first version is still a hot mess, new version drops next week. Download it then."


Neistat is the sort of fellow that bases his entire career – a fairly successful video-based career – on honesty. So we'll trust that part of the situation – he and his team believe in the interactions they're creating here.

Now we'll just have to wait and see if the rest of the world – or ENOUGH of the rest of the world – is willing to participate in a social network that's not all about seeing what you share before you share it.

