Beeper is a catch-all app by the Pebble guy with iMessage, Telegram, WhatsApp, and more

Beeper is a new app from the guy (Eric Migicovsky) who founded Pebble, one of the first very interesting smart wearable devices in the modern smartphone age. The app Beeper "gives you a unified inbox for 15 chat networks" and makes the whole process relatively simple. This app connects to Signal, Discord, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, iMessage, Android Messages (SMS), Telegram, Twitter, and a whole lot more.

The full Beeper support listing also includes Slack, Hangouts, Instagram, Skype, IRC, Matrix, and the Beeper network. And it's not free. It'll cost you approximately $10 per month to use.

Beeper opened sourced all of its bridges to allow users to audit how the app connects to each chat network. Each user can verify the security of their own data, and self host if they prefer.

If you wish to self host, you'll either self-host with the full Matrix+bridges stack, or you'll run the Beeper install script on your amd64 server of 4GB Raspberry Pi and "run all bridges locally on your own hardware." This version requires a Beeper subscription, too.

With Beeper, iMessage works on Android, Windows, and Linux. To make this work, Beeper suggests the following. "We send each user a Jailbroken iPhone with the Beeper app installed which bridges to iMessage," wrote a Beeper representative. "Or if they have a Mac that is always connected to the internet, they can install the Beeper Mac app which acts as a bridge. This is not a joke, it really works!"

At the moment, Beeper is holding a line, as is the general best way to get people interested in a product or service here in modern times. As the sign-up process suggests, "Thanks for signing up for Beeper! Over the last 24 hours we have had a record number of people interested in using Beeper." That could mean so very many things, but for now it means we're just going to have to sit and wait.