Bandai 20-Inch R/C Mecha Godzilla: All Your Robot Monster Dreams Come True

Sometimes, something comes along and simply unlocks a great chasm of "want" inside of you: this, friends, is one of those times.  Bandai have created a 20-inch, remote controlled Mecha Godzilla, complete with full motion control, flashing lights and an authentically blood-curdling screech-roar. Video after the cut


Features include walking, arm control, various lighting affects and an Exorcist-style head-spinning move complete with blue-lit eyes.  The chest plate opens and the hands spin around; even the remote control itself, which you can see periodically through the video, is awesome.

The travesty of justice is, though, that Bandai are sold out of their Mecha Godzillas.  In one sense, that's a good thing – $870 is more than I can afford to spend on a toy, though I doubt I could've really resisted – but in another, more primitive sense it's just plain awful.  More, please, Bandai, and next time make it even bigger!

[via DVICE]

