Awesome Games Done Quick 2017 speed running event kicks off this Sunday

One of the year's largest gaming marathons, Awesome Games Done Quick 2017, is set to begin this Sunday. The event will last nearly a full week, kicking off at 11:30 AM Eastern on January 8 and then wrapping up in the wee hours of the morning on Sunday, January 15. In between those beginning and end times, speed runners from all around the world will run their favorite games in front of a live audience.


Of course, these speed runners aren't just gathering for the sole purpose of breaking some games. Instead, they're doing it to raise money for charity. Just like all of the AGDQ marathons that came before this one, runners will be raising money for The Prevent Cancer Foundation. Last year, AGDQ managed to raise $1.2 million for the foundation, and this year, it's looking to top that amount.

The marathon starts strong with an all-dungeons run of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, a race of the original Mega Man, and a two-player co-op run of Borderlands 2 all on Sunday. Other notable runs throughout the rest of week include a glitchless run of Pokemon Emerald, a run of Halo 2 on Legendary difficulty, and of course, the Super Metroid race that most of these Games Done Quick marathons end with.


With 179 runs scheduled, though, what's mentioned above is just scratching the surface. The stream will be online constantly until the marathon is finished, something that takes an immense amount of technical know-how and provides near-limitless stress to the people working behind the scenes. AGDQ and its summer equivalent, Summer Games Done Quick, are massive undertakings, but the end result is a pretty entertaining show.

If you choose to donate, you'll also be eligible to win one of 142 different prizes, which can range from hand-made items to console bundles and games. The whole things kicks off in just a couple of days and can be viewed over on GDQ's Twitch channel. Once the stream is live, you'll be able to donate through the Games Done Quick website, and there's even a chance that your donation comment will be read on-stream. Will you be watching?

