Stephanie Barnes

Photo of Stephanie Barnes
Kingston, Jamaica
University Of The Commonwealth Caribbean
General Tech, All Things Apple, Movies/TV
  • Stephanie fell in love with technology after building her first PC as a little girl; she now covers the latest and greatest devices, apps, and accessories on the market.
  • She's firmly planted in Apple's ecosystem and has probably owned every iPhone ever created.
  • Her writing on technology, health and wellness, movies, television, and much more can be found all over the internet.


Stephanie is a freelance writer from Kingston, Jamaica. She spent several years as a front-end/iOS engineer before switching to writing full-time. Her work has been featured at The Huffington Post, iMore, Mental Floss, Business Insider, and more. She's passionate about all things technology, mental health, and binge-worthy television.


Stephanie studied Information Technology at the University of the Commonwealth Caribbean.
SlashGear Editorial Policies

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Our editors, advisors, and fact-checkers conduct regular reviews to ensure the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of our articles. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Stephanie Barnes