Atmotube Makes You Smarter About The Air You Breathe
These days, we have started making our houses smarter when it comes to our entertainment, security, or even power consumption, but we don't always make them smarter about our health. Sure, we now have wearables that track our hear rate and activities, but that represents only one part of our health. An equally important, and sometimes more critical, part of that is the air around us. Atmotube is an upcoming portable device that tries to make users aware of just how safe or not the air we breathe really is.
Atmotube's goal is to analyze air and measure pollution any time, anywhere at the push of a button. It specifically looks for pollutants, harmful gases, and volatile organic compounds of VOCs. The latter is usually emitted by a number of different products such as paints, lacquers, cleaning supplies, wax, and even office equipment. These VOCs are attributed to be the cause of many conditions like eye irritation, asthma, or even cancer. As critical as it may seem, not all of us are able to monitor such elements because we do not possess the necessary equipment for that.

Atmotube wants to change all of that by cramming a multi-gas sensor made by Cambridge CMOS Sensors into a small tube that, while not exactly wearable, is perfectly portable, even pocketable. It even has a half-ring to let you to clip it anywhere, on any bag or even a key ring. By simply pressing a button, it can take measurements of the air around you when and where you need it.

It relays this information to a mobile app which keeps a record of all your past measurements. The data can be shared to a global "heat map" that visualizes the air quality in a given area, so that people will know places to avoid if they can or at least be prepared when they can't avoid those.
At the moment, Atmotube isn't yet a product for sale. It will soon be up on Indiegogo, where it will go for a target base price of $69 for a single unit.