Apple Launches Three New Apple Watch Ads

Apple has unveiled three new ads for its Apple Watch. The ads are called Apple Watch – Us, Apple Watch – Up, and Apple Watch – Rise. The Up add focuses on ways that users of the Apple watch can keep in touch and mostly focuses on couples doing those sweet things that their single friends dislike.


It shows off the text, navigation, and chat features of the watch. One part of the commercial highlights the ability to pay for things using Apple Pay and the smartwatch rather than a credit card or digging your phone out.

The UP commercial focuses on the watch waking people up and reminding them to be active. It also shows off the wrist navigation features of the device and some of the fitness features. The final commercial is Rise.

Rise shows off the watch again waking people up and some of the watch faces you can choose from. It also shows off some of the smart home control features among other things the watch can do. The wrist mounted maps looks like a cool feature of the device. This commercial also shows off the public transportation schedule feature. Watch all three of the new ads below.


