Apex Legends War Games event will wrap up Season 8
Apex Legends is closing in on the end of Season 8: Mayhem, but before things wrap up, Respawn Entertainment is introducing a new event called War Games. With this event, we'll see the introduction of five new game modes that will replace the standard Play Apex playlists. These new modes will make small-yet-significant tweaks to the way Apex Legends matches play, and of course, there will be some new cosmetics and items to unlock in this event as well.
The War Games Takeovers will begin next Tuesday, on April 13th. The first modifier going live on that day is called Second Chance (April 13th – 15th), and it'll offer a pretty big change as it'll grant each player one free respawn each match. Players will be able to respawn with all of their weapons and gear, though you won't just rise from the dead in the place were you fell – instead, you'll drop in from above the spot that you died, giving you a chance to avoid the fight altogether or perhaps approach the enemies who killed you from a different angle.
The second modifier we'll see is called Ultra Zones (April 15th – 19th), and it'll place multiple Hot Zones on the map at once. That gives players more chances to secure high-tier loot, and each Hot Zone will be placed inside a Flash Point. So, not only will you be able to snag some quality loot, but you'll also replenish HP and shields as you do, which will making fighting in these Hot Zones a difficult task.
Then we'll get the Auto Banners modifier (April 19th – 21st), which simply gives your teammates you Banner Card automatically when you die, meaning they can go directly to a respawn beacon to bring you back without having to get to your death box first. Following Auto Banners, we'll get a modifier called Killing Time (April 21st – 23rd), which speeds up the progression of the ring as players are eliminated. Finally, we'll get a modifier called Armor Regen (April 23rd – 27th), which will allow players to automatically regenerate their armor at a rate of 12 points per second when out of combat. Shield Cells have been removed from the loot pool in Armor Regen, so be sure to give your armor time to regenerate in between engagements.
There's also a new rewards track to work your way through by completing challenges during the War Games event. Players will be able to earn up to 1,000 points per day by completing challenges, and as you can see in the image embedded above, you'll need to earn 5,000 points in all to unlock everything. You can see all the rewards on offer in that image, but otherwise, look for the War Games Takeover to kick off next week.