Apex Legends Update Fixes This Big Progression Headache

If you booted up Apex Legends yesterday only be greeted with the alarming fact that your progression had seemingly been wiped, you definitely weren't alone. As it turns out, the 1.1 update that shipped earlier this week had that particularly nasty side effect for some users. The good news is that player progression wasn't permanently lost, and Respawn has now pushed a patch out the door that fixes the issue.


As Respawn explains it, the cause of the problem lies within update 1.1 itself. The company says that when the update went live, players were unintentionally moved to other servers. Since progression doesn't carry over across servers, it appeared that they had lost all of their statistics and account unlocks.

"Fortunately, your progress up until the update was still safe and sound," Respawn Community manager Jay Frechette said in a post on Reddit. "We shut down all live servers so we could remove players from the wrong place and roll up the correct servers with your progress."

Respawn also needed to roll back the servers as part of this fix. Everything you did up until update 1.1 hit has been restored, but any progression or purchases you made in between 1.1 and this latest patch have been reverted. This includes any levels you earned, packs you opened (and, subsequently, items you unlocked) or currency you spent. As far as the various currencies are concerned, Frechette said that they will be "carried back over to their original account state," meaning that if you purchased $20 worth of coins and spent $18, you'll have $20 after the fix is applied.


In the end, players probably won't see very much be rolled back, as there were only a few hours between the arrival of 1.1 and this fix. In case you missed them, you can check out Respawn's full version 1.1 patch notes here. It's a relatively small update, but it does add some big quality of life features, such as the ability to party up with the last squad you played with – a feature that has been requested often since the game launched back in February.

