Apex Legends Season 2 arrives in July: What you need to know
During its EA Play this weekend, Electronic Arts detailed its Season 2 plans for battle royale game Apex Legends, giving fans an idea of what to expect when the July 2 release date rolls around. Among other things, the company announced that a new legend called Wattson will join the game in its second season, throwing new defensive abilities into the mix.
First things first, Apex Legends players can expect season 2 to arrive on July 2 with a new Battle Pass and a bunch of new content, according to EA. The upcoming battle pass will be called Battle Charge, and it'll arrive alongside a new legend named Natalie "Wattson" Paquette and a new weapon called the L-Star.
The L-Star is the popular weapon from Titanfall 2, and it'll deal more damage than other rifles available in the game. For this reason, players will only find the L-Star in Care Packages, making it a rare, exciting find.
Going forward, EA says it will take players less time to reach Level 100, and the new Battle Pass will include challenges as well as XP. A new ranked mode will arrive in the game's new season, satisfying player requests while presenting something that few battle royale games offer.
The most exciting announcement was likely the upcoming arrival of the new legend, Wattson, who is described as a 22-year-old from the home world Solace. This defensive character boasts Interception Pylon, Spark of Genius, and Perimeter Security abilities, creating electrified fences, recharging tactical abilities, and repairing damaged shields.
It's clear that Respawn is addressing some of the player complaints regarding the first season, including what many say were boring cosmetic items. The addition of challenges (akin to what Fortnite offers) is a response to feedback, no doubt, and the introduction of a new legend will help deal with the staleness that has overtaken the game.
All of this and more will arrive with Apex Legends Battle Charge in season 2 on July 2.