Apex Legends Grand Soirée Arcade event kicks off on January 14

Starting next week, Respawn and EA will kick off a new Apex Legends event called the Grand Soirée Arcade. The event will last from January 14 through January 28, offering players a chance at getting prizes while playing several limited-time modes. New game modes will be rolled out every two days during the event, which is hosted by the character Pathfinder.


The Grand Soirée Arcade will feature a total of seven rotating limited-time modes with a new one going live every seven days. During this event, players will get access to Gold Rush Duos, Kings Canyon After Dark, Third-Person Mode, LIVE.DIE.LIVE, Armed and Dangerous on World's Edge, Always Be Closing, and DUMMIEs Big Day.

Some of these modes have already been launched in the past, whereas others like DUMMIEs Big Day are entirely new. EA says that it is 'being coy' with the new mode details at this point in time, so players will need to get into the matches themselves to see what they're like.

The event will also introduce the Event Prize Track, which allows players to complete challenges in order to get Arcade points for earning rewards. The Event Shop will also be live to offer direct purchases of Art Deco-inspired cosmetics, according to EA. Each of the seven limited-time modes will feature three new challenges — players will be able to earn a total of 1,000 points per day.


EA says that it tuned this event system so that players won't be required to play all seven days of the event in order to get the rewards — however, players who participate for all seven days will be honored with a 'special badge' that certifies they played every mode type. Activities performed during the event will also count toward completing the battle pass.

Finally, EA says that January 17 will kick off the Bonus Scoring Weekend during which time players will be able to get up to 500 additional points.

