Android 4.2 Jelly Bean Pushed To AOSP
With the Nexus 4 smartphone and the Nexus 10 tablet launching today on the Google Play store (and both running Android 4.2 Jelly Bean), it makes sense that the new and updated version of Jelly Bean would makes its way to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP), and that's exactly what's happening.Google just added binaries for Jelly Bean 4.2 to AOSP, which means that custom Android 4.2 ROMs are right around the corner. Soon, you'll have custom ROMs that include all the cool new features that are in Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, like Photosphere, the quick settings pull-down menu, a better keyboard, and lots more.
Google has pushed Android 4.2 binaries for all three of their Nexus devices, which consist of the Nexus 4, Nexus 7, and the new 10-inch Nexus 10 tablet. Also on the list are both versions of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, which is Google's last-generation Nexus smartphone. You'll see custom ROMs for all four devices shortly.
Of course, this is only relevant to developers, tweakers, ROM builders, and rooters — the average Android user who doesn't play around with their phone and take risks need not apply. Developers are probably working on the new Android 4.2 binaries as we speak, so we should be seeing 4.2 nightly builds soon.
[via Android Community]