Amp'd brought to its knees by porn
Today is the last day of July, which once again means that Amp'd mobile is "probably" shutting off their service. We haven't received word yet on whether or not customers are still able to place calls on their Amp'd phones. Then again by now most of them have probably jumped ship anyway. But why exactly are they going under.
Apparently, if you browse through the Amp'd catalog you can find yourself a large collection of soft-core porn. All of those boobs have to come from somewhere, and it is guessed that Amp'd sunk a lot more money than necessary into obtaining said boobs. Do people really check out that much porn on their phones? I've never really thought there'd be much of a market for that, since there's such a vast amount of it on the net that you can obtain for free (that's purely speculation, as I've never actually seen any of this internet porn everyone is always talking about).
Another big sinkhole was apparently the the black helicopter that was used on a regular basis by the the CEO. Of course, Amp'd was always happy to foot the bill for the chopper when he was late, there was a traffic jam, or when he'd just had a bad day at the office.
Porn Destroys Amp'd Mobile [via crunchgear]