AMD Announces First to Support for OpenGL 4.0

OpenGL is one of those things that has made the iPhone one of the strongest competitors for the mobile gaming market. The platform offers developers a robust way to program 3D applications, especially games. And with the support of companies like AMD, the interface will continue to benefit from utilizing some of the best processors on the planet. AMD has announced today that they are happy to be the first to fully support the recently released OpenGL 4.0.


AMD is supporting the 3D interface with its ATI Catalyst OpenGL 4.0 preview driver, which enables all OpenGL 4.0 functionality. The driver will be supported by the ATI Radeon HD 5000 series graphics cards, including the HD 5400, HD 5500, HD 5600, and HD 5700. All of the new features, are supported right out of the gate on these graphics cards, which is made possible by the OpenGL software team.

Some of the new features in the 4.0 release include OpenGL Shading Language revision 4.00 and shader subroutines that allow for significantly increased programming flexibility. The new version is meant to make it increasingly easier for developers, software programmers, and anyone else involved with OpenGL to use the platform. Which, we're hoping to mean that more games get introduced, so that we can play them.


[via AMD]

