Amazon And Audi Want To Put Junk Directly Into Your Trunk
In our undying quest to connect all the things to all the other things, we're bound to have some failures and missteps. We're also bound to have those redeeming moments of glory where we've stumbled onto brilliance. I'm not sure where this concept ends up, but Amazon is trying to deliver your web purchases to your car. It's as if Amazon is skipping the middle man (you) and putting your deliveries where they'll end up anyway. Brilliant! Maybe. I'm not sure.
The testing is really limited right now, locked into Germany and German cars. If you're living in Germany, and happen to have an Audi — and a package delivery from Amazon coming via DHL — you're open to giving this a shot. Otherwise, you'll still have to take delivery of those boxes and envelopes yourself.
The concept is that when DHL gives a delivery window for your package, you tell them where your car is (rough idea; you don't seem to need a parking space number). You then give a temporary access code to DHL, which is linked to your package, and viola! Junk in trunk.
For those who live and/or work in office towers, this is a really nifty idea. Your package is tucked safely away in your trunk (or boot, if we're in Europe), and you don't have to come down to Earth to accept it. The DHL driver doesn't have to come up to your office or get some concierge to take delivery of your package, either.
Amazon says this trial is rolling out during May, but don't say how long it might last.
Source: Amazon
Via: Engadget