Age Of Conan Gets Official Pricing

If you've been itching for a game set in the Conan universe, then you no doubt are excited about Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures. We've been hearing about the game for some time, and with the release date coming up soon, we're happy to hear that Funcom has decided to announce the official pricing for both North America and Europe.


When you head to the store, you'll be expected to shell out $59.99 (€49.99 in Europe). Then when you get home, you'll need to set up a monthly subscription, which will run you $14.99 per month (€12.99 in Europe). There aren't any big surprises here, as the pricing is on par with other MMOs.

I can't wait to see the finished product. I had the opportunity to play the game last August at GenCon Indy, and was impressed with the overall feel of the game. It still had a ways to go at that time, but was still fun to play.

[via Joystiq]

