Aaron Paul Attached To Han Solo Star Wars Spin-Off Film

With more than one Star Wars film being made at a time and Star Wars 7 well on the way, it's high time we started to hear more about the spin-off films that'll appear between each of the hero flicks over the next few years. First up: Han Solo. This film's title is still unknown, but reliable sources have pointed toward "Luminac Industrial Goods" as the code name for production. Something like Blue Harvest for Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi.


Word of the potential star of this Han Solo film comes from the increasingly reliable Making Star Wars blog where they've also suggested that filming of this movie will overlap with the next Star Wars flick. That'll be Star Wars Episode VIII, also un-named as of yet. This film will star a young Han Solo – well before the events of Star Wars Episode IV, A New Hope.

Aaron Paul has been suggested to be attached to the film, but no indication has been confirmed whether or not he'll actually play Han Solo. Paul gained international fame for his role as Jesse Pinkman in the TV show Breaking Bad.

This first spin-off film will likely take place during the rise of the Empire. After Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith, before Star Wars IV: A New Hope. Not necessarily right alongside Star Wars: Rebels, but close.


You can pretty much count on this film documenting Solo's rise to infamy, complete with his rescue of Chewbacca from slavers, a run-in with Jabba the Hutt, and his attaining of the Millennium Falcon from Lando Calrissian.

The Millennium Falcon is, after all, older than Han Solo himself.

This film will be directed by Gareth Edwards, generally a special effects aficionado, director of Monsters in 2010 and Godzilla in 2014. He's also attached to Godzilla 2, slated for the year 2018.

