8,000 more Google Glass wearables on offer for creatives

Google has re-opened preorders for its Glass wearable computer, though it's not just a case of opening up your wallet to the tune of $1,500: you'll need to have some good ideas as to what exactly to do with the wearable to qualify. First put up for sale at Google I/O 2012 as the limited edition Glass Explorer Edition, still yet to ship though promised sometime in early 2013, the new round of orders extends the net to developers across the US.

They'll have to convince Google that they're worthy customers, however, using either Google+ or Twitter to do that. In the space of a fifty word or less outline, accompanied with up to five photos and up to a fifteen second video, they'll need to explain what they'd do if they had a Glass headset.

Applications are being accepted up until February 27, which basically means a week to come up with a killer idea. Of course, since the applications are all being made publicly, the longer you wait, the more likely it is that someone else might figure out your idea and detail it first.

Only three applications are allowed per person, and they can't be modified after being submitted. Google will be judging them via an independent jury, based on creativity, compelling use, originality, and "social and spectrum"; there'll be 8,000 headsets to be had in this new round of orders. Collection will be made in person, at one of three special "pick-up experience" events held in New York, Los Angeles, or in the San Francisco Bay area.

If you're not a developer, but would still like to keep abreast of some of the ideas people are coming up with, you can follow along on both Twitter and Google+ using the #ifihadglass hashtag. More details in the FAQ.

[via The Verge]