3K Computers RazorBook 400 CE gets price slash

When the RazorBook 400 CE first came out, it was priced at $299 and that was quite a steal. It launched just a little under a year ago but it's already seriously underpowered and not exactly flying off the shelves, necessitating a price cut.


Now priced at $155, the RazorBook costs less than half of what it did when first released. Can I be the one to say that's just sad? Regardless, $150 makes for a seriously cheap netbook and that might still pique some people's interest–especially in this economy.

In cast you've forgotten, the 3K RazorBook 400 CE has a 7-inch display with a 800 x 480 resolution, 128MB of DDR2 memory, a 4GB SSD and an ARM 400MHz processor. Also included is Windows CE, Wi-Fi, three USB ports, a SmartMedia Card reader, Ethernet and a 2-cell 2100mAh battery. You can get it now at TheNerds.net for just under $155.

