300 Jedi Vs 60,000 Medieval Knights: Simulator Shows Who Would Win
Have you ever wondered who would win in a battle between Jedi Knights and regular ole medieval knights? It seems pretty obvious that the Jedi would win (read: slaughter) the metal-sword-wielding warrior, but what about an entire league of them? An entire army? What about sixty-thousand of them against a mere 300 Jedi? A simulator offers the answer.
Jedi have a lot going for them — there's the whole near-indestructible laser sword, of course, though the mystical and invisible force powers would no doubt be a better weapon. The intimidation factor aside, it's hard to battle against warriors who are able to blow you backward with a flick of the wrist, and there's no shield that protects against supernatural forces.
Still, there's power in numbers and 60,000 is a really, really big number when it comes to armies. That's 60,000 metal swords against a mere 300 Jedi who inevitably end up spread thin throughout the mass of medieval weaponry. Would such a small number of Jedi be able to hold their own against such a force?
Even if the Jedi did prove successful against the army, what kind of casualties could they be facing? Or would they escape without any losses? Those questions and more were answered by a recent battle simulation that made these two armies face each other and battle it out. The results are surprising, though even more surprising is how long it takes to get them...the battle rages on for more than 20 minutes.
If you're not interested in watching for that long, here's the summary of it: the Jedi absolutely slaughter the medieval knights, in most cases destroying them before they can get a single swing in thanks to the force and its seemingly bottomless pit of energy. The Jedi don't appear to suffer any losses during the battle, though the battlefield is left strewn with blood and corpses by the end.
If you enjoyed that, check out this battle between Jedi and Spartans.