150 Shiny Pokemon GO Kanto Monsters And Shiny Mew In One Event

Today Niantic revealed a special event in which 150 Kanto Pokemon will appear as Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon GO. All at once, on one day*, in an event that'll have two sorts of tickets. There'll be a Red Version and a Green Version ticket, each with their own version-exclusive Pokemon. Each version will be available for $11.99 USD.


Users who purchase a ticket "by a certain date" will get "tickets for the Special Research stories for the January and February Community Day events." There'll be a Special Research storyline for all users that purchase tickets – this Special Research storyline will unlock "an additional challenging Special Research story."

This "additional challenging Special Research story" will be "completed over a long period of time to get an encounter with a Shiny Mew." So we probably won't see said Mew any time soon – just... in the future!

The 12-hour event will be just a tiny bit different for ticket-holders VS non-ticket-holders. If you have a ticket, this 12-hour event will have all 150 Pokemon originally discovered in the Kanto region available as Shiny Pokemon "some for the first time ever." That means they'll be far more likely to appear as Shiny Pokemon – as they are during special events.


If you do not have a ticket, this event will STILL make available all 150 Pokemon originally discovered in Kanto. They'll be in the wild and in raids. This event will deliver Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and Mewtwo in Legendary raids. There'll be event-exclusive Timed Research for all users (tickets or no tickets), and we'll know a whole bunch more about how common each Pokemon will be, soon!

The event will take place on February 20, 2020. Tickets for the event will be available in the very near future, allowing a period of time for the user to attain the ticket in advance, gaining additional bonuses.

