Flipper Zero: Can This Hacking Device Really Do Everything TikTok Says It Can?

As of late, anyone who has wandered into TikTok's tech side has undoubtedly been exposed to the Flipper Zero. Videos of this tiny multi-purpose hacking tool have collectively accumulated tens of millions of views, and it's easy to see why. Audiences were captivated by the idea that such a small piece of hardware could do everything from hacking a television screen at a restaurant, opening a Tesla charging port, or even bypassing locked security gates.

Some, however, remain skeptical about the device's capabilities. And it's hard to blame them, as the rise of AI-generated content on TikTok, such as the alternate human history AI generative videos, makes it harder to distinguish fact from fiction with each passing day. A deeper look into the device's specifications indicates that the Flipper Zero is as versatile as people make it out to be. That being said, the device does have its limitations. It also isn't as revolutionary as some have made it out to be, but that may change.

The Flipper Zero is extremely versatile

The Flipper Zero really can hack into a crazy number of devices, thanks to its many built-in tools. For example, the device's Sub-GHz receiver can hack into many control systems, including garage doors, electronic gates, and remote keyless entries. But that is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Flipper Zero's 125kHz RFID reader allows users to scan and replicate low-frequency proximity cards used to enter apartment buildings and hotels. So, those videos of people bypassing card reader security systems with the device are legit, assuming they had access to the original card to scan or extract its ID. It can't, however, perform the same actions on more sophisticated card reader systems.

Some of TikTok's most popular Flipper Zero videos showcase people turning off televisions and radios using the device. This is no trick of the camera, as the Infrared Transmitter in the device can easily send a signal to nearby electronics like a remote can. That, paired with the fact that many TVs aren't strictly paired to one remote, makes them vulnerable to the Flipper Zero.

It has limitations

Although an impressive and versatile tool, the Flipper Zero is limited in its hacking capabilities. Most notably, the tool can't crack rolling code systems. Rolling code is an advanced security system for devices like key fob car remotes. However, it is not bulletproof. Flipper Zero creator Anna Prosvetova told Linus Tech Tips that it is possible to hack these systems using similar devices, but the team chose not to implement it into their device due to their strict moral code.

The Flipper Zero also can't just snag someone's bank card, as many have claimed in their videos. As YouTuber Talking Sasquach noted in their video, unlike RFID cards, the device can only extract a limited amount of information from NFC bank cards. This is because NFC cards feature a far more advanced security system. So, although the device can scan an NFC card and get the card number to display, it won't extract all the extra data, such as the CCV number and expiration date needed to make a purchase, making it about as useful as taking a picture of the front of the card. 

It isn't revolutionary

As tech YouTuber Linus Tech Tips pointed out in his video, the technology found in the Flipper Zero isn't anything new. Linus explained that the Sub-1 GHz Transceiver technology used by TikTokers to open gates and change gas signs had been around since at least 2007 and could even be picked up on Amazon for cheap. Additionally, Linus noted that both RFI and NFC hacking tools have been available for some time now. He also mentioned that the BadUSB feature that can emulate keyboards is familiar technology the team explored in a previous video.

Although the base Flipper Zero isn't breaking new ground, the community is growing the device into a hacking beast with its large list of modifications that have propelled it to new heights. One mod, for example, allows users to hack into Wi-Fi networks. It's possible that thanks to these mods, future Flipper Zero TikTok videos will showcase even crazier hacking feats and may even interact with the new TikTok AI.