MacBook Pro free battery replacement detailed

Apple released a step-by-step for a free replacement of select MacBook Pro models this morning. Some of the newest 13-inch MacBook Pro models without Touch Bars were affected, and only these models will have batteries replaced for free. This replacement program affected MacBook Pro models were manufactured between October of 2016 and October of 2017 – and there's a simple way to check if that includes you.

Several options are available through Apple for this free battery replacement. One is to find an Apple Authorized Service Provider. Another is to make an appointment at an Apple Retail Store. The third option is to mail your device in to the Apple Repair Center. Before doing ANYTHING though, backup your data. Apple has a great guide for newbs to data backup.

"Apple has determined that, in a limited number of 13-inch MacBook Pro (non Touch Bar) units, a component may fail causing the built-in battery to expand," wrote Apple in a support document release this morning. "This is not a safety issue and Apple will replace eligible batteries, free of charge. Affected units were manufactured between October 2016 and October 2017 and eligibility is determined by the product serial number."

To find a local Apple Authorized Service Provider, head over to Locate dot Apple dot com and start tapping away. Tap Service and Support, enter in your info, tap "GO." If no locations exist anywhere near you, you'll have a couple other options. You could just drive to your closest official Apple Store – but if you're nowhere near a service point, you're probably nowhere near an Apple Store.

The last option is to mail your device in to the Apple Repair Center. To do this, head over to the Apple Repair Request page and start the process. If you want to schedule your dropoff to an Apple Store in advance, you might just want to start at the link in this paragraph, too. If you're sending the MacBook Pro in the mail, make sure you package that thing up EXTREMELY WELL. That means AT LEAST as well as it was packaged by Apple on its trip to you.

There's a checker system available on Apple right now through which users can submit their serial number. If the serial number matches one that was manufactured in a given set of dates, your device will be eligible for a free battery replacement. Your serial number is located on the surface of your MacBook Pro – on it's bottom. Near other regulatory markings, it's a number that's 12 characters long, right near the word Serial.