YouTube Studio gets tools for dealing with copyright strikes

YouTube Studio has been updated with new tools designed specifically for creators who are dealing with copyright strikes and content claims. The update is fairly large, adding everything from improved ways to directly review copyright claims to tools for trimming copyrighted content out of videos. The company has teased other features it has planned for 2020 that revolve specifically around copyright issues, as well.


YouTube is well known for its large library of unauthorized copyrighted content, something the company has been working hard to eliminate for years. Copyright owners are able to 'strike' a channel that steals their content by making a claim. Creators who get too many copyright strikes face punishments and, potentially, the loss of their channel, making these claims a big deal.

Within the Studio Dashboard, YouTube creators can now review any copyright strikes their channel has received, including which videos have been removed on the basis of copyright ownership, as well as who made the takedown claim and what actions can be taken to clear up the matter. As well, the Studio also now offers greater transparency on these takedowns by showing things like the description of the content provided by the person who made the claim.


As mentioned, YouTube has also added a tool for directly trimming the copyrighted portion out of videos that have been hit by copyright claims. The tool automatically selects the copyrighted portion of the video so that users don't have to scrub through the content on their own.

The downside to this, YouTube explains, is that creators currently cannot change the start and endpoints for this trim feature. That will change in the future, but until then, creators who want to adjust what is trimmed will need to use the full YouTube Editor.

Finally, YouTube says that it has added new a Copyright Claims filter to the Video page, enabling creators to find which of their videos have been hit by claims and strikes, as well as info about the types of issues that resulted in the video being flagged and whether it has been removed.

