Yankee Stadium adds biometric security 'Fast Access' option

Security lines at big events take a long time to pass through, and so it isn't surprising some are willing to put aside their privacy concerns for the sake of speeding things along. Yankee Stadium has announced plans to roll out new "Fast Access" entries that will, as the name suggests, get visitors into the stadium faster. The catch is that in order to do so, you'll need to register with Clear beforehand and will need to provide your fingerprints while registering. This is the same service used in some airports and a couple other stadiums across the nation.


It isn't as big of a deal as some people make it out to be, and even those who don't go through with the registration will still benefit, as the regular security lines will be shorter in the absence of Fast Access visitors. The new security option will go into effect starting tomorrow.

The registration, in this case, will be free and offered in a tent for visitors outside of the stadium. Those who decide to register when they arrive will have their paperwork activated immediately, and can then proceed through Fast Access entryways.

The service is also used at some big airports like Dallas-Fort Worth, and a $179 USD yearly fee will upgrade their registration for those related places. Those with Fast Access registration will still have their bags scanned, however.


SOURCE: Bloomberg

