Xbox One Highlights Energy-Saving Mode For Lower Electric Bills

A few weeks ago, the environmental group Natural Resources Defense Council was critical of Microsoft and their Xbox One console in how its "Instant On" mode was wasting energy and increasing electric bills of gamers around the world by a collective $250 million. Now, Microsoft is making more of an effort to put the Xbox One's energy-saving option front and center during set-up, allowing users to make a clear choice about using less electricity, and save an average of $6-$15 per year, according to the company.


The main problem the NRDC wrote about was how when US Xbox One users first set up their console, their was no option presented about using the "Instant On" mode or not. This mode allows the console to automatically download game and app updates when not in use, as well as turn on when hearing the voice command "Xbox On."

The trade-off is that the system is continually using a good amount of electricity while in that "sleep" mode. "Even when it looks like your Xbox One is off, it's still drawing significant amounts of power continuously waiting for you to say 'Xbox on' around-the-clock," the NRDC wrote in March.

The option to turn "Instant On" mode off, and thus use the power-saving complete shut-down method, has been available to users, simply by navigating to the console's Settings menu, and choosing "Power & startup." The change Microsoft is highlighting is that this option will now be presented when new consoles are being set up for the first time.


"As we continue to evolve the Xbox One experience, we are bringing this power choice front and center," Microsoft wrote on their Xbox blog. The company adds that while they feel the "Instant On" mode offers the best experience and convenience for gamers, they recognize the need to provide users with a choice in how power is used.

SOURCE Xbox Wire

